Raising Gen Z

Mindfulness for You and Your Teen

Episode Summary

<p>There is no better moment to be tackling the topic of mindfulness. The new normal seems to be anything but. Mindfulness helps anchor you in the present moment. You don't need a class, fancy clothes or a green juice to practice mindfulness, you just just need the desire to bring calm into your life. And it's so easy to teach your teens to join you. Being mindful is being present. Not letting your body be in one place and your brain in another. With an abundance of screen time and constant distraction, it's important for your teen to practice being in the moment. Join us here to start on the journey of living a mindful life.</p>

Episode Notes

There is no better moment to be tackling the topic of mindfulness. The new normal seems to be anything but. Mindfulness helps anchor you in the present moment. You don't need a class, fancy clothes or a green juice to practice mindfulness, you just just need the desire to bring calm into your life. And it's so easy to teach your teens to join you. Being mindful is being present. Not letting your body be in one place and your brain in another. With an abundance of screen time and constant distraction, it's important for your teen to practice being in the moment. Join us here to start on the journey of living a mindful life.